Monday, December 12, 2011

The Fight - Final Pass

This is the last submission for the Advanced Creature Production class.

There is some work left to do but I'm pretty happy with the result. I now have the ogre pulling the dragon's claw out of his shoulder instead of the arm falling off on its own as per my mentor's suggestion. I also went through a toe/finger/wing membrane pass on the dragon and added in his tail. I have yet to do that pass on the ogre although I did add a first version of his pony tail animation.

It has been a hell of a term and I'm tired. Good night.

P.S. My goal is to not let this blog die now that AM is over again. I would like to post new animation and art regularly. If you're reading this, please Like it on Facebook or leave me a comment. And thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you sticking with this. I hadn't checked out your progress in a few cycles, and some of the newer details make the fight much more believable - that backhanded strike works so much better than the kick! I agree about pulling the wing off the shoulder, too... in the earlier versions I wasn't really sure what was going on there at the end, I had to watch it again to see that the wing had fallen on him. It's much clearer this way.
